3 tips to acess someone else's whatsapp account
How to Access Someone Else's WhatsApp Account
You may access another person’s WhatsApp account through your mobile device, computer, or spyware. Monitoring an individual’s conversations without permission is a violation of privacy. Before you take any steps towards access their WhatsApp account, ask the individual for permission.
Method One of Three:
1Uninstall WhatsApp from your phone or device. This will clear your personal information from the app. You will reinstall it later and enter the individual’s information instead of your own.[1]
2Locate and write down the individual’s Media Access Control (MAC address).Every phone is assigned a MAC address, a unique identifier that serves as its online identity. MAC addresses are a series of six pairs of letters and/or numbers separated by colons. For example: 01:23:45:67:89:ab, 00:0a:95:9d:68:16, and 00-14-22-01-23-45.[2][3]
- Android: Open “Settings”. Select “About phone” then “Status”. Write down the address to the right of “Wi-Fi MAC address”.
- iPhone: Launch “Settings” and select “General”. Click “About”. Write down the address to the right of “Wi-Fi Address”.
- Windows phone: Click “Settings” then “About”. Click “More info”. Write down the address to the right of “MAC address”. Record the address.
- BlackBerry: Select “Options” then “Device”. Click “Device and Status info”. Write down the address to the right of “WLAN MAC”. [4]
3Locate and record your MAC address.In order to access the individual’s WhatsApp account, you must swap their MAC address for yours. Once you are done viewing their account, you will need to replace their MAC address with your own. Once you’ve located your MAC address, write it down.
- Android: Open “Settings”. Select “About phone” then “Status”. Write down the address to the right of “Wi-Fi MAC address”.
- iPhone: Launch “Settings” and select “General”. Click “About”. Write down the address to the right of “Wi-Fi Address”.
- Windows phone: Click “Settings” then “About”. Click “More info”. Write down the address to the right of “MAC address”. Record the address.
- BlackBerry: Select “Options” then “Device”. Click “Device and Status info”. Write down the address to the right of“WLAN MAC”.[5]
4Install apps that will let you change your phone’s MAC address. In order to log into WhatsApp as another person, you must replace your MAC address with the individual’s MAC address.
- iPhone users, first Install Cydia from the web. Once downloaded, open the app and search for “network-cmds”. Click on “network-cmds” then “Install”. Press “Confirm”. Once downloaded, search for “Mobile Terminal”. Click “Mobile Terminal”, followed by “Install” and “Confirm”.[6]
- Android users, first root your phone. Then, download “BusyBox” and click the app and install it. Finally, download “Terminal Emulator”. These apps are free from the Google Play Store.[7]
5Change ("spoof") your phone's MAC address to that of your target. Altering this address should not impact your phone's functionality.
- iPhone: Open “Mobile Terminal;”. Type “su” and press ↵ Enter. Enter “Alpine” as the password. Type “nvram wifiaddr=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx”, replacing “xx” with the individual’s MAC address. Press ↵ Enter. Turn off your device then turn it back on. You MAC address will have changed.[8]
- Android: Open “Terminal”. Type “su” and press ↵ Enter. Type “busybox iplink show wlan0” and press ↵ Enter—this will reveal your current MAC address. Type “busybox ifconfig wlan0 hw ether xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx”, replacing “xx” with the individual’s MAC address. Press ↵ Enter. This will change your MAC address. You can make sure this worked by entering “busybox iplink show wlan0” and press ↵ Enter—this will reveal your new MAC address.[9
- Install WhatsApp on your phone.
7Launch “WhatsApp”.
8Click “Agree and Continue”.
9Enter the individual’s phone number instead of your own. This will allow you to receive their messages and send messages from their account.
10Press “Done”. WhatsApp will send a confirmation code to the individual’s phone.
11Retrieve the confirmation code and enter it into your phone. This will verify the account.[10]
12Change your MAC address. When you no longer need to access the individual’s WhatsApp account, follow process outlined in step 6 to change your MAC address.[11]
Method Two of Three:
Desktop or Laptop-
1Open “WhatsApp” on their phone.
2Click “Settings”. Find “Settings” in the very bottom, right corner of the screen.
3Select “WhatsApp Web”.
4Click “OK” when asked if the app can access the camera.
- 5Navigate to web.whatsapp.com.
6Check the box next to “Keep me logged in”.
7Scan the QR code. Raise the individual’s phone to the computer screen. Center the camera over the QR code.[12] Once scanned, a green checkmark will appear on the screen of the phone. The webpage will redirect to their WhatsApp mobile dashboard where you will be able to monitor their conversations.[13]
Using Spy Software
- 1Obtain permission from the person whose phone you'll be monitoring.The apps that you'll be using are intended for parents, spouses, or employers to monitor the activity of their children, spouses, or employees. They require that you use them only with prior consent, so make sure to ask the person whose phone you want to monitor and get their full permission before you proceed.
2Choose an app or program to use.Spyware apps are very powerful—they will grant you nearly unrestricted access to a person's electronic device. They are capable of tracking someone's location, monitoring a person's WhatsApp, and even recording an individual's phone calls.There are a number of different apps or programs you can choose from. Options include:
- FlexiSPY
- Highster Mobile
- mSpy
- Phone Sheriff[14]
3Buy and install the app. Once you've purchased the app, install the spyware on your device. In order to monitor a person's mobile device, you must download the spyware app on their phone too.
4Set up the app and start tracking.Follow the app's instructions to establish an account. After everything is set up properly, you will be able to review the person's WhatsApp messages. You will also have access to their passwords, phone calls, and text messages.
- If you are in need of additional assistance, visit the Spyware's website.
3 tips to acess someone else's whatsapp account
Reviewed by Unknown
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